بعض ما اشتريت من مملكة البحرين

  1. Haya

    2008/10/28 - 05:53 م

    Perfect! I was gonna ask you to recommend some titles related to finance, but ended up waiting till I finish what I have now.. What is the book on top of all? The one with the graph dude

  2. ورق مخطط

    2008/10/28 - 06:32 م

    من اي مكتبة شاريهم ؟

  3. ابرار

    2008/10/28 - 07:20 م

    ماشاالله ومشتريات موفقه بأذن الله……
    بس وش أكثر كتاب متحمس له وراح تقراه منهم؟؟؟>>>ياشين اللقافه!!

  4. Raed

    2008/10/29 - 08:06 ص

    remember that book which I have begged you to take MBA in 10 days.. it has the best easy to follow steps to the land of finance where credit is debt and debt is credit.

    check this website out :


    it gives you a good start ..Plus I am going through those two books in the pic I kinda do not like one of them since it is British and has VAT all over the balance sheet, it ain’t easy to follow.

    Also, I will be attending a Finance workshop soon and I will be sharing with you that stuff as well. I will keep you posted if should I come across something that is worth the trouble

    aight ?


    هذا المول الصغير في المرفأ المالي في الطابق الثاني.

    ابرار :

    الشؤون المالية على بالي هالأيام لكن ال Corporate Governance لها رونقها و تروق لي.

  5. Haya

    2008/10/29 - 09:39 ص

    Thank you for the website and in advance for sharing the workshop stuff..
    I don’t remember reading the finance part of the book (it was in the near past when I the bad habit of skipping any finance/ budget related thing).. time to get over it before it’s too late to recover.. inshaAllah I’ll check it out

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