going away for the day.. enjoy it guys.. true art I think is just beautiful

lyrics :

The island bathes in the sun's bright rays
Distant hills wear a shroud of grey
A lonely breeze whispers in the trees
Sole witness to history

Fleeting memories rise
From the shadows of my mind
Sing "nonomori" - endless corridors
Say "nonomori" - hopeless warriors
You were there
You were there

Am I forever dreaming
How to define the way I'm feeling

You were there
Countless visions they haunt me in my sleep
You were there
Though forgotten all promises we keep

Slaves to our destiny
I recall a melody
Sing "nonomori" - seasons lit with gold
Say "nonomori" - legends yet untold
You were there
You were there

Happiness follows sorrow
Only believing in tomorrow

You were there
Countless visions they haunt me in my sleep
You were there
Though forgotten all promises we keep

The island bathes in the sun's bright rays
Distant hills wear a shroud of grey
A lonely breeze whispers in the trees
Sole key to this mystery

  1. ابرار

    2008/10/20 - 11:35 م

    حاولت والله حاولت افهم افه وش السالفه!!!
    وش المقصود من ورى هالكلمات..!؟؟
    بس فشلت!!!!!!
    على العموم واااضح انه ال mooooood bad

  2. Raed

    2008/10/20 - 11:52 م

    أبرار ..

    ضغتي على كلمة ICO في بداية الموضوع؟ هي رابط للعبة اشتهرت قبيل سنوات و شاعت هذه الكلمات معها، كل ما في الأمر هو أني أردت إشراككم في ما استمع إليه بين الفينة و الأخرى.

    أتمنى أن تنال إعجابكم.

  3. ابرار

    2008/10/21 - 12:31 ص

    آآآآآآآآآآهاااااا الحين فهمت!!
    شكرا…>>العتب على الأستعجال

أضف تعليقك


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