Surround yourself with everything Japanese.

عندما سألت الأخ Musouka San عما ينبغي للمرء فعله كي أتقن اللغة اليابانية إتقانه لها (ما شاء الله عليه) فهو يجيب عن أسئلة بعضهم في الموقع الذي نتدارس فيه اللغة اليابانية


حتى تحسبه رجلاً منهم! (ارجع أقول ما شاء الله)

فقال:  Surround yourself with everything Japanese!

So Musouka San..  there you have it.



Flash Cards can be really cool to carry around it’s just having to explain to the Lebanese woman next to me that I am not learning Tagalog

عفاك عم تتعلم فلبيني! اسم الله برافو عليك!  فيك تحكي معن هلا؟

أجول بحثاً عن سكين.. لكن للأسف my Swiss knife is not on me


  1. Musouka

    2008/08/14 - 10:31 ص


    I would use an NDS or (if you have a Pocket PC) Stackz Pocket and practice with electronic flash cards.

    بالتوفيق عمو، فيك تحكي معنا فليبني هلا؟ :)


  2. Raed

    2008/08/14 - 01:49 م

    Wait a minute.. I thought, the NDS is yet to be released? Do they have one for Iphone Musouka San?

    Plus, I am like an oldie.. I am more into grabbing them flash cards.

  3. Musouka

    2008/08/14 - 05:01 م

    The NDS stands for Nintendo DS. It was released almost 4 years ago. There is a plethora of Japanese learning software for it. Just check my “DS for Learning” topic. The thing that’s yet to be released is My Japanese Coach which is like 1 month away.

    The portable version of Stackz is currently available for WinMobile and Palm OS only. For the iPhone, a portable version of iFlash would be coming out sooner or later. For now, you can install Jim Breen’s Dictionary for the iPhone. Visit Tofugu for more details:

    If you like printed flashcards, then you should purchase a case like this one:

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