للقاء حلاوته


فنان الصراحة… محرق البحرين. و صحيح ” للقـــــاء حلاوته”

  1. Arabian Princess

    2007/07/14 - 10:16 ص

    جمييل :)

    البحرين جميلة صراحة .. لم أشعر بالغربة وأنا فيها

  2. Amina

    2007/07/15 - 07:01 ص

    Hala Raed, you were in Bahrain ! hope you had a good time… Congrats on the new page; I like the kilmt.com, a nice visual for kalimatkum :) how are you intending for it to be other people’s words too? comments and conversations or the topics you write? well, may the new page be filled of more and more of your creative writings and photos..
    All the best inshaAllah

  3. Raed

    2007/07/16 - 02:32 م

    arabian princess

    هذا شعور كل حد زارها


    thanks a mill girl. I had a good time there and i am working on adding a comment on the front page header that reads دام الراي رايكم أكيد الكلمة كلمتكم.

    thanks again dear

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