Personal Mission Statement


I want to capitalize on talents that I was blessed with : learning, speech and writing.

Within me I want peace, sense of content and transparency in public and in private.

With my Family I want to create a happy, secure shelter both financially and emotionally. In me they will find refuge and legacy I shall give to spare throughout times. That is my gift.

Professionally  I lead by example, and leave with a smile. My work will only add value and my contributions are to be noticed by all team members.

In My community I will add to the development of people and infrastructure. My works will be marked with Passion and signed with sincerity.

And to the world, I will send a message of who we are as a nation with literature that brings joy to their hearts.

Hardships can only engrave this deeper in my acts, obstacles can only strengthen my resolve.

When all is said and done; I will leave this world but my Works will stand witness to remind history that there existed someone by the name of Raed.   

  1. um3azzan

    2010/03/20 - 08:52 م

    Best of luck in making your mission a reality. If I achevied one or two of these statments I would be content.

  2. Raed

    2010/04/05 - 08:17 ص

    I have to make it a reality .. it’s no option this is why I exist.. but yes do include me in your prayers :)

  3. رؤية شخصية. « كــــــــــــــــلمتكم

    2011/07/31 - 01:20 ص

    […]  و لصاحب المدونة: […]

  4. Um3azzan

    2011/08/01 - 06:20 م

    I changed in the passed (16 months) i beleive now that if you set your mind to make it a reality it will be a reality :)

    Allah yiwafqak :)

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