Health Update

As many of you are aware I have been injured during my workout sessions: my wrist suddenly felt weird and it got worse to the point that I had to see a doctor :

First Doctor

Grand ma.. but I will have a whole post going over that.

Second Doctor

Forgot the name : ما في شي silence.. then he looks at me saying : anything more I can help you with ?

me: am sorry to bother you doc.. ana 7eyawan. int fnaaan.

the pain is still here and growing like a monster

Third Doctor

Dr. Omar (who comes first in a chronological visit order) said : شرخ أهو وباين أهو

my response was دكتور شاسوي ؟

عوضك عالله يا ابني

خلاص باموت دكتور؟ زين معليش عيشني بين الناس حرامي… مقطوعة يده

لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله وعيناه تدمعان (أربع أربع

we must carry out MRI which will cost you 1000 Reyals. I never show up.. saying من صجك

and I stormed out like a Mexican girl in a soap Oprah all the way to our house.. running threw myself on the bed.. مش ممكن

Fourth Doctor

Latest diagnose: it turns out that I have Tendonitis at my wrist. Notice the cause : The most common cause of tendonitis is overuse. Commonly, individuals begin an exercise program, or increase their level of exercise, and begin to experience symptoms of tendonitis. The tendon is unaccustomed to the new level of demand, and this overuse will cause an inflammation and tendonitis.

we do the X-ray if there is not fracture then by process of elamination we just have to give you a shot to take care of it. ok young man ?

هلا والله


got to talking asking me how it was to come back and I asked about Germany.


Of course this was Dr. Heino pronounced :He-know and he does my friends.



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