guys meet بريهو
figure (1-1): as noted there are three layers.. little بريهو alot of yellow uknown juice that comes out of the بريهو located at the bottom.
I know that you are trying so hard now to pronounce the word helplessly not to worry; I shall guide you (brai-umm that word the use in rap so much to degrade women) hehe… right! moving on…
Brief history
Briaho is an ancient seed, so old that along with cockroaches it is the only living organism that has survived whatever ended the Jurassic era.
Biological structure
it is a seed for crying out loud, but the thing that makes it special as special as jack’s magical beans
figure (1-2) shows how parents with no taste can go wrong with their kids clothes..
In fact, my grandma, who is a mother of two doctors, does not believe in modern medicine still says that jack’s beans are normal compared to the wondersبريهو. Braiho is usually served with hot water. Once added; water reacts with the seed to produce this viscous, slippery slimy shell around the seed.
Medical use
Cough, cold, fever, heart problems, skin cancer, broken bones.. na I am just kidding my grandma prescribes it to me only when I get cough.
Types of بريهو
The ones that I know of are the regular one, and the white one (for tougher patients), my grandmother refused that I get a picture of the white one for security reasons.. However no one lived to tell the tail of the red بريهو <–named throughout history “elixir”. (how do you know that it is red then Raed? you so suck! are you the type of person who goes to the Movies to find a hole in the script!, IT CAME TO ME IN A DREAM… happy now sherlock? )
does not expire.
Name origin is unknown.
Does not decompose if mixed with water.
Has a funny smell.
Has a funny taste.
Has a funny shape.
Works almost instantly. *white type.
Did it help me?
Yes, after many years and never getting used to the taste, smell, or the looks of it.. I am very careful when it comes to my health and if I ever start coughing, I never cough loud enough for my grand mother to yell : We have someone coughing in the house.. bring out بريهو
2005/11/28 - 07:01 ص
Now you have to appreciate this blog since yall are learning something new everyday.. now when WW III breaks out and they start explaining the reason behind it going : بريهو yall would say.. الله يذكرك بالخير يا رائد